Tattnall’s 2023 Teachers of the Year were introduced and lauded for their service as dedicated educators in the Tattnall school system, with presentations of plaques to each one by Superintendent Gina Williams, EdD., and School Board Chairman Richard Bland. The presentations were made at the Monday, May 23, 2022, Tattnall County Board of Education (BOE) meeting held in Reidsville at the Board office.
North Tattnall Middle School’s (NTMS) Teacher of the Year Inga Cashon was also selected as the System-Wide Teacher of the Year. Cashon is a quiet, but effective and efficient educator. Principal Donny Sikes commended Cashon for her superb work ethic, commitment to excellence, and organization.
Sikes especially pointed out that she built the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) program at NTMS from the ground up, providing two challenging tracks for three different grade levels. He added that she was a member of several teams at the school, making a significant contribution to each one.
Glennville Elementary School (GES) Teacher of the Year Alisa Nails; South Tattnall Middle School (STMS) Teacher of the Year Tori Flowers; Tattnall County High School (TCHS) Teacher of the Year Joanna Rogers; Reidsville Elementary School (RES) Teacher of the Year Alexis Ferrell; and Collins Elementary School (CES) Teacher of the Year Katara Scott.
GES Teacher of the Year Alisa Nails was complimented by her principal, Kristi Kaiser, EdD. Although Nails has only been a teacher for five years, she has served as an educator for the past 16 years, first as a paraprofessional while she attended college classes online and in the evenings to complete her degree. She was commended by Principal Kaiser as being the epitome of compassion for the students in her first grade classroom and for her passion for teaching as well.
STMS Teacher of the Year Tori Flowers has made an impression on her fellow educators in the 11 years that she has been teaching, both as an educator and a leader. Her teaching schedule has included math, STEM, Computer Science, and Physical Education, in addition to serving as a PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports) Coach. She was complimented by STMS Principal David Tucker for having contingencies in place when needed and for her willing ability to write and apply for grants.
TCHS Teacher of the Year Joanna Rogers is the Pre-K teacher at TCHS, and she also mentors those students who have indicated a track as early childhood teachers in their school curriculum. She was commended by Principal Lakisha Bobbitt for exemplifying what a pre-K teacher should be. Bobbitt added that Rogers had a positive personality and a genuinely pleasant disposition.
RES Teacher of the Year Alexis Ferrell was described by Assistant Principal Cindy Boyett, EdD., as a loving and kind educator who taught English-Language Arts to her students. She commented that Ms. Ferrell was an excellent motivator for her students, making her lessons fun and appropriate in the classroom. Her Music Mondays are a favorite with her students.
CES Teacher of the Year Katara Scott teaches fourth grade and is in her sixth year of teaching. She previously earned a Children and Family Development degree and worked with the Department of Family and Children Services before becoming a teacher. She teaches math and social studies. Scott was complimented by Starla Barker, EdD., as an outstanding and model teacher who maintained discipline in her classroom. Her students consistently are high scoring in Milestones testing.