Headmaster Clay Hill will soon retire from Pinewood Christian Academy (PCA).
“My plans were, obviously, to continue here at Pinewood for a few more years,” said Hill recently. “But I have experienced recent health issues that have sped up the timeline a bit and has formed me to retire a little sooner than I really wanted to.” Hill’s last day at PCA will be May 30.
For the past 42 years, Hill has dedicated his life to a career in education. Previously, he retired after working 30 years in public education. Shortly thereafter, however, he accepted a position with PCA where he has remained for the past 12 years.
“I have been made to feel like a part of the PCA family since I first arrived here,” said Hill. “I could be here for days and talk about what a true blessing it has been for me to be a part of this great family here at Pinewood.
“It really gave me a breath of fresh air when I first came here 12 years ago,” said Hill. “It was a needed change after a 30-year career in public schools. To come here and experience Pinewood and the great things that go on here, it has been an awesome blessing for us.”
Hill said every day at Pinewood is a great day.
“Some are better than others, but it truly is a great place to be, and I am thankful to be a part of it. I feel at home here at Pinewood,” Hill said. “I will continue to support this school and community. I hope to be able to visit often and be able to come back and watch ballgames and attend other school activities.”
After retirement, Hill said he and his wife plan to return to Lake Blackshear, where he is from.
“We have a house on Lake Blackshear, and I’ll go back there. Hopefully, I will have more time to spend with my family and children and be Pops to my grandkids. And, I hope, spend more time doing some of the things that I haven’t been able to do while working the past 42 years,” he said.
Headmaster Hill was honored at the lower and upper school Honors Day programs with the presentation of an assortment of fishing gear and a tackle box. Two receptions were also held to honor Hill, one for faculty, staff, and board members along with Hill’s family to attend and another drop-in for students, families, patrons, and other friends. A video with messages from the faculty and staff was shown to Hill as a surprise.