Tattnall County’s elementary schools have once again received a beginning of the year donation from the Jeff Armstrong Memorial Foundation, each receiving $8,000 for the 2022 school year.
The checks were presented to North Tattnall Elementary School (NTES) Principal Christine Jenkins and South Tattnall Elementary School (STES) Principal Kristi Kaiser on Wednesday, August 31, 2022. In 2021, this foundation donated $4,000 to each of the elementary schools in Glennville, Reidsville, and Collins. The rise in contributions truly was a community effort, according to Paige Armstrong Ewing.
Ewing and her sister, Jessica Armstrong Curran, were inspired by their mother, Debbie Armstrong, to give back to local schools.
Debbie passed away in April of this year. She was a speech therapist in the Tattnall county school system from 1995 to 2010.
“She recalled many accounts where her and other faculty would provide every day necessities for some students out of their own pockets. This was a primary reason the foundation wanted to pour back into the elementary schools,” Ewing said.
Jeff also gladly gave his money to support Tattnall County students. Their brother, Jacob, willingly gave his humor as a classmate to bring laughter to fellow Tattnall County students.
Paige and Jessica have made it their mission to carry on their loved ones’ legacies through previously holding the Rajin’ Cajun 5K and Fun Run in Glennville and now holding these color runs for the first time this year. Another color run is being planned for May 2023 at both elementary schools.
The S.T.R.O.N.G. Warriors fund provides a variety of school supplies, hygiene products, books, special parties, clothing, shoes, and more to elementary students in Tattnall County.
“Our goal is to raise funds for the S.T.R.O.N.G. Warriors program that helps ‘Supplement Tattnall’s Resources to Offset the Needs of Growing Warriors’. All students have needs during the school year that help them grow and thrive. Educators give so much of their time and love to meet those needs, and it often involves giving monetarily from their own pockets. The Jeff Armstrong Memorial Foundation needs your help to come alongside our educators and support them as they support our students,” Paige said.
For $15, you can sponsor a student. There are approximately 2,000 students in Tattnall County’s elementary schools. The Jeff Armstrong Foundation is solely supported by many business donors and individuals throughout the community and afar. You can donate through PayPal at this link: PayPal.me/JeffAFoundation.