The Neal and Cindy Anderson home has been an active one for many years, with the couple's three daughters all involved in softball during their school careers at Pinewood Christian Academy (PCA). Only the youngest daughter, Milli, a senior this year, remains at home. The other two daughters are Hanna and Ella.
"However, it is always good for all of us to be together at Christmas, even though Hanna now lives in Statesboro and Ella has an apartment in Statesboro, too, where she is a senior at Georgia Southern University (GSU)," said Cindy.
Hanna, age 24, has a degree in Fashion Merchandising and worked for over two years in Atlanta and Florida in that field. She is looking forward to a new career in real estate, which is a perfect fit for her outgoing personality. Ella will graduate in May with a degree in psychology, with plans to attend graduate school. Milli also plans to attend GSU to major in Early Childhood Education.

Cindy and Neal's gorgeous home was recently on the Glennville Garden Club Christmas Tour of Homes, and Cindy's flair for color was showcased in the home. Actually, Cindy began college with a major in Interior Design before changing to elementary education. She taught first and second grade for six years at Glennville Elementary and continues to substitute at PCA today.
Like many families, they started their holiday decor with a live tree but over the years the artificial tree has replaced it, mainly out of concern for safety.
"We go to the home of my mother-in-law, Peggy Anderson, on Christmas Eve and then go to the Christmas Eve service at our church of Glennville Methodist. We celebrate Christmas at our house Christmas morning with breakfast that my parents enjoy with us and then on to the Nelsons (Jeanie and Ed Nelson home) for lunch. Then we are back to my parents' home that evening. The day is busy but fun and filled with family," said Cindy.
Family is Clyde and Sylvia Woolard, Cindy's parents, who live nearby, and Cindy's three brothers, McCall, Greg, and Michael. Clyde is retired from the longtime family convenience store business, most recently known as Clyde's Markets. Sylvia is an accomplished artist, and several of her paintings adorn the walls in Neal and Cindy’s home.
McCall is retired from the family oil company, Woodland Oil, and he and his wife, Kim, have two sons, Cole and Collin. Greg is also retired as CEO of Clyde's Market but now is owner of Baldinos USA, a franchise sandwich company; his wife, Angie, is owner of Angela James Boutique in Glennville. They have one son, Jake. Michael and his wife, Rebecca, are parents to three children: Evan, Aiden, and Ava. Michael is owner of Outlaw PowerSports in Vidalia, and Rebecca is an Occupational Therapist.
Neal's father is Danny Anderson, who lives in Bulloch County and is a home builder; he built Neal and Cindy’s beautiful home. Neal's mother, Peggy, is a retired school teacher, with years spent in Glennville and Ft. Stewart schools. Neal's sister, Gena, is employed on Ft. Stewart and also works part time at Rusty Pig Restaurant in Glennville.

Neal and Cindy own and oversee the two Rusty Pig BBQ restaurants in Glennville and Rincon, and they are grateful for Eric Couch and Ashley Stanford, their efficient managers, and their staff. They also offer catering services for small or large gatherings and are a popular eatery, not only in Tattnall but with regular customers in adjoining counties. In addition, they cook the Boston butts for several civic clubs for fundraisers in the community, such as the Philadelphia Lodge #73, and also the ribs for the Glennville Bank annual rib sale. Mail ordering for their business has grown tremendously and their barbecue sauces are excellent. Catering has become an expanding part of their business, and they have catered in surrounding counties.
"We have certainly been blessed at Rusty Pig with the response from customers and with our staff. Our mail order business extends across the country with customers," said Cindy.
As the girls became older, the Anderson family began taking a trip at Christmas, such as snow skiing, and last year it was to Disney World. They have also enjoyed excursions in past years to Turks and Ciaos.
For pastimes, both she and Neal like to run and enjoy the gym at Anytime Fitness. Cindy also assists Casey Butler in her interior design business of Mercer Brooks Interiors, which allows her to indulge in her love for selecting home decor. Cindy likes color, and her home highlights this tendency that is delightfully welcoming. Several of her mother's bright paintings adorn walls in her home, too. Sylvia has also painted a piece of art for each of her grandchildren.
Neal is a superb cook, learning early from his grandparents, the late Uldine and Henry O'Neal, and also from Gladys Dasher and Ulma Lee Anderson. As a young child, he followed them around in the kitchen. Cindy, however, is quite adept at making Neal's Aunt Charlotte's Chocolate Chip Cookies, and she is the one who always makes the dressing for Thanksgiving, a recipe shared by her mother.
"My mom would always cube the turkey breast and fry it in a Dutch oven, and now Neal does that as one of our traditions. We enjoy having them eat the noonday meal with us for Thanksgiving, and then Christmas night we will eat chili or crab stew," said Cindy.
The family also has a lake house at Lake Sinclair where they enjoy boating, wake surfing, and other water sports

Cindy likes to travel, and with the empty nest syndrome approaching in a few months, she and Neal look forward to traveling more extensively. Their family would not be complete without their pet dogs, Savvy Blu, a Maltipoo that they are teased is their fourth daughter, and Belle, a sweet stray dog who has made her home with them for 13 years.
Their church of Glennville Methodist has been an integral part of their lives for many years, and for many of those Cindy served as the youth and children’s coordinator, and Neal has served as lay leader for the church.
As her parents' health is declining, Cindy is pleased to be near her parents and part of their care team in their declining years of health.
"My parents instilled the importance of family in all four of us as children, and we value their commitment to each of us and to our children as well," said Cindy, with wishes for a Merry Christmas to all.

Cindy and Neal Anderson’s Recipes
- 2 pkgs. Taco Seasoning
- 1 (8-oz.) pkg. cream cheese
- 1 cup sour cream
- 1 container fresh pico
- 1 lb. hamburger meat, browned and drained
- 1 head lettuce, shredded
- Monterey Jack and Cheddar Cheese, grated
- Nacho chips
Prepare taco seasoning mixture by combining the pack of taco seasoning, sour cream, and cream cheese. Brown hamburger meat, and drain fat from meat and add the taco seasoning mixture. Shred lettuce, and grate cheese. Layer ingredients in a large Pyrex dish in the following order: creamy taco mixture, hamburger meat, shredded lettuce, pico, and cheese. Refrigerate and serve.
- 1/2 lb. bacon, cooked and drained
- 2 medium onions, chopped
- 1 bell pepper, chopped
- 1 stick butter
- 1 tsp. salt
- 1 can tomatoes
- 2 cans tomato soup
- 1 bay leaf
- 2 Tbsp. Worcestershire sauce
- dash of Tabasco
- 1 Tbsp. sugar
- 2 lb. shrimp, deveined
Brown bacon and drain. In a pot, melt butter and sauté onions and peppers. Pour in tomatoes and soup. Add salt, bay leaf, Worcestershire sauce, and sugar. Simmer for 45 minutes. Add shrimp and simmer another 10 minutes.