Several employment approvals were on the agenda for the May 22, 2023, Tattnall County Board of Education (BOE) meeting, and these included the hiring of Tori Flowers as Assistant Principal at South Tattnall Middle School (STMS) for the 2023-2024 school year.
The next school year marks her 13th year in education. She began her career teaching eighth-grade math during her first two years at Glennville Middle, next moving to Physical Education and Computer Literacy. During this time, she also coached softball and girls’ basketball and track. Flowers next served as a special education teacher in Long County for one year, and then she returned to South Tattnall Middle School as the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) coordinator, which included a STEM class and an agriculture class.
This past year, Flowers has taught Computer Science. Her degrees include a B.S. in Middle Grades Education with concentrations in math and science; a Master’s in Education in Curriculum and Instruction; and an Education Specialist in Educational Leadership.
“We welcome Mrs. Flowers as Assistant Principal at STMS, and I am familiar with her superb work ethic and commitment to our students,” said STMS Principal David Tucker.
Tori Flowers is married to Justin Flowers, who is the Assistant Principal at Tattnall County High School; they have a three-year-old daughter, Finley. Other employment/resignations/release from con-tractsTeachers hired are as follows: Hannah Fox and Cecilia Cruz, at South Tattnall Elementary School (STES); William Avery Kelly at STMS; Craige Saxton and Nicholas Jusus at North Tattnall Middle School; and Savannah Steger and Donald Paul Sorrow at Tattnall County High School (TCHS).
Hired as paraprofessionals were Guadalupe Gonazlez at TCHS and Jacob Todd at NTMS. Jake Debevec was approved as a Sub Technology Intern. Released from their 2023-2024 contract were STES teacher Christy Dixon; Assistant Principal Pam Barnett and teacher Jenny Oliver at STMS; and teachers Ryan Jackson at NTMS, Mary Beth Franklin at NTES, and Carlton Milton at TCHS. Also, TCHS teacher Sandy Johnson is leaving the school system, effective April 25, 2023.
Others no longer serving the school system are paraprofessionals Kimberly Youngblood and Shawn Brown at NTES and bus driver Helga Akins. Student workers approved are Owen Foster at NTES; Emma McDaniel at NTMS; and Kaden Nasholts, Colby Nasholts, and David Oglesby at STES/STMS.
Other agenda items in addition to personnel actions, the BOE members approved the low bid of Danny Holmes Painting of Vidalia of $10,450 for painting at TCHS, which includes the hallways; stage area; canning plant/room, bathroom, and office; con-cession restrooms and exterior of concession stands on both sides. Two other bids were received, of $21,720 from Hendrix Brothers Painting of Glennville, and $56,000 from Moore's Painting of Statesboro.The BOE members also approved the bank bid of Renasant Bank since it offered the highest interest rate on the Board's checking account, that of 3.75 percent interest.
Other bidders were Glennville Bank, offering a .5 percent interest rate on the account; and South Georgia Bank, offering a 3.51 percent interest rate. Superintendent Williams also presented the changes to Policy DIB (Financial Report), to be adopted in June. The policy is being amended to incorporate wording that is required for two new Governmental Accounting Standards that are required for financial reporting.
Also, in the absence of the financial director, Dr. Williams reviewed the district financial status with the board members. She reported that a bond and interest payment was due March 1 in the amount of $810,000 principal and $230,000 interest, which was paid. Also, sales tax collections posted in April for sales in March were up $29,000 over the month before."Property taxes are 97.28 percent of budget, which are slowing down as normal for this time of year," she added.
"Investment income is performing above budget, 158.46 percent, due to large federal grants, with strict guidelines and requirements on the spending of these federal grants," she said."Revenues and expenses as currently budgeted are on target. We will have a budget amendment to reflect the impact of the increase in the certified health insurance of $635 per employee per month that was effective January 2023. The State gave us $933,270 to fund that increase, and we will be using CARES III money to fund the positions that the State did not fund, which is over $85,000, with an amendment to be approved for this," said Williams.
Other agenda items were as follows:
•Approval of purchase of CTAE truck
•Approval of contract for Migrant Service Provider for Arthur Larry Smith (7-1-2023 to 6-30-2024)
•Approval of ten days in June 2023 for Tori Flowers•Approval of athletic incentive for TCHS girls' basketball coaches and TCHS boys' soccer coaches.