The Vidalia Chick-fil-A Food Truck, which has visited Reidsville every other Thursday since February 24, 2022, was closed by the Tattnall County Health Department on September 22.
While the food truck received a routine health inspection score of 96, Health Inspector Lance Dasher noted a violation of adequate ventilation. The ambient air temperature in the mobile unit was above 90 degrees Fahrenheit (92-94 degrees), and Dasher advised that the truck needs to close until the air conditioning is repaired.
The only other violation noted on the September 22 report was that an employee was wearing a necklace while preparing to fry chicken.
The Chick-fil-A Food Truck was located at 247 S Main Street in Reidsville. This is not to be confused with Hinesville’s Chick-fil-A Truck, which visits Glennville every Tuesday.