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Advance voting begins May 2 for May 24 election
voter ballot turn in
Advance voting for the May 24, 2022, election begins Monday, May 2, 2022, through Friday, May 20, 2022, at the Tattnall County Elections office.

Advance voting for the May 24, 2022, election begins Monday, May 2, 2022, through Friday, May 20, 2022, at the Tattnall County Elections office. 

The elections office is located at 114 W. Brazell Street in Reidsville. Voting takes place from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.  Other early voting locations are in Collins and Glennville from May 16 to May 20 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily. 

In Collins, the location is at the Old Collins Gym, located at 509 N.W. Williams Street, and in Glennville at the former Southeastern Tech location, in the brick building behind the Glennville City Auditorium, located at 209 Bolton Street.

Saturday voting will be held on May 7 and May 14 from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. at the elections office in Reidsville.

Election Day will be Tuesday, May 24, 2022, from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.  All Election Day Polling Sites will be open as usual for Collins, Cobbtown, Manassas, Tison, Shiloh, Reidsville, and Glennville.

Locally, one contested Board of Education office is on the ballot, that for District 1, incumbent Ronnie Oliver and Shawn Sikes.

Also, listed under Special Election, under Heart of Georgia Altamaha Regional District (in which Tattnall is located), the one percent TSPLOST (Transportation Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax), and the one percent ESPLOST (Educational Special Purpose Local Option Sale Tax) are also on the ballot, which have very beneficial for Tattnall County in the past. These are both renewals and not new taxes.

Many contested elections on the Republican ballot are for Governor, Justice of Supreme Court of Georgia, U.S. Senate seat, Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State, Attorney General, Commissioner of Insurance, State School Superintendent, and Commissioner of Labor. On the Democrat ballot, contested seats are for U.S. Senate, Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State, Attorney General, Commissioner of Agriculture, Commissioner of Insurance, State School Superintendent, Commissioner of Labor, and Public Service Commissioner for District 2 and 3.  

In addition, on each ballot are party questions that ask for a yes or no, eight questions on the Republican ballot and nine on the Democrat ballot. Several other non-partisan offices are on both ballots.

For those who would like to review the ballot before going to the polls, visit and access the Elections option.  Go to the My Voter Page (MVP), where you will see nine options.  No. 7 is Sample Ballot for the upcoming election, which you can access and review.

For more information on the May 24 election or on voting, contact or visit the Tattnall Elections office, phone 912-6417/1839 or location next to the Tattnall County Courthouse in Reidsville. 

The Glennville office of The Journal Sentinel will also have a copy of a sample ballot for review by voters.