The Glennville Rotary Club continued its tradition this past week when club members and Tattnall County High School (TCHS) Battle Creek Warrior Interact Club members delivered dictionaries to all third graders in Tattnall County public schools.
In addition, 4-Way Test Coloring Books were given to second graders.
This year, the presentation name was changed to the Dennis H. Strickland “Dictionary and 4-Way Coloring Book Project.” This renaming is in memory of the late Dennis H. Strickland, who started the dictionary distribution when he was Glennville Rotary Club president in 2011-2012.
On Tuesday, October 18, 2022, the deliveries were made to the students of North Tattnall Elementary School (NTES). On Thursday, October 20, the students at South Tattnall Elementary School (STES) were presented their dictionaries and coloring books.
“The Glennville Rotary Club has provided over 2300 dictionaries to third graders in Tattnall County. Cumulatively, The Dictionary Project has been able to reach an estimated 35,200,000 students. We are making a difference in their lives by giving these students such an important reference tool,” said Donald Fountain, Glennville Rotarian who coordinates these deliveries, along with Rotarian Greg Parker.
The Glennville Rotary Club donated $1170 to The Dictionary Project.
The students were eager to open their dictionaries and see all what it contains. In addition to thousands of words and their definitions, other helpful sections include Weights and Measures, The U.S. Constitution, “The Star Spangled Banner,” Presidents fo the U.S.A., maps of the world, and over a dozen other useful sections for the students.
The students also practiced on how to look up a word in the dictionary where they could learn the word’s correct spelling and definition.
The recent online Glennville Rotary Club auction is one of the main sources of revenue for the club to support the education projects in Tattnall County.
The Glennville Rotarians who participated in the distribution of the dictionaries at the two elementary schools include Donald Fountain, Greg Parker, Darla Kicklighter, Tiffany Sittle, Bill Kicklighter, Kristen Waters, Sabrina Page, Becky Anderson, Bobby Kennedy; Interact Club members Madison Page and Mason Garcia; and volunteer Jackie Draper.