The Glennville Lions Club installed new officers for the 2022-2023 year sww Glennville Lions Club President Rick Cason presided over the evening meeting and meal held at The Farmhouse in Glennville on Tuesday, June 21, 2022. Lions Past District Governor Lew Waldrop of District 18N attended the event.
Lion of the Year Award for the 2021-2022 year was presented to Shellie Smith, a former Glennville Lions Club president and upcoming Lions District 18N Governor. She also serves as Executive Director of the Glennville Chamber of Commerce, and she served the Glennville Rotary Club as president for the 2021-2022 year.
Although the club has not voted for several years on a Citizen of the Year in the Glennville community, the club brought this award back this year, with Shellie Smith and Terry Waters both presented with this award. Terry is retired from civil service, and he serves as a director of the Glennville Rotary Club and is on the Glennville Sweet Onion Festival Committee.
President Cason presented the President's Award to Pam Waters for her service to Lionism during the past year. Cason was presented the Past President's Award by Shellie Smith.
Certificates of appreciation were also presented to several Lions Club members for their various services: Diane Quick, Million Dollar Decorator Award (on a limited budget), for her decorations at Lions Club events; Norman Davisworth, Patriot Award, for his exuberant leading of the Pledge of Allegiance at each event; Lynda Goodell, who has served as Tail Twister, Thumper Award; Donnie Epperson, Lion Tamer Award; Terry Quick, Johnny on the Spot Award; Pam Waters, Extra, Extra Award; Mickey Anderson, Money Man Award; Steve Long and Bernie Weaver, Wealth of Knowledge Award; and Zuber Malek, Loch Ness Award.
The Glennville Lions Club was presented with the MD 18 State Award for first place in Pediatric Cancer for the club's outstanding service in the area of pediatric cancer through the Joshua's Block Party Program during 2021-2022. An amount of $100 will be donated to the Georgia Lions Camp for the Blind for this award.
Lynda Goodell was also presented with a $25 gift card for selling the winning ticket in the recent Lions Club gun raffle.
Candles were lit and comments made in memory of two Glennville Lions, Dennis Strickland and Tommy Coleman, who died in the past year.
Lion Waldrop installed the new officers/directors for the 2022-2023 year as follows: Lynda Goodell, President and Tail Twister; Rick Cason, Immediate Past President; Zuber Malek, First Vice President; Bernie Weaver, Second Vice President and Service Chair; Terry Quick, Secretary and Lions Club International Foundation Chair; Mickey Anderson, Treasurer; Shellie Smith, Membership Chair; Pam Waters, Marketing and Communications Chair; and Board of Directors Norman Davisworth, Steve Long, and Diane Quick.
Rick Cason thanked his fellow Lions for their support and participation during his 2021-2022 year as president. He commented that he had essentially came into the Lions Club with little knowledge of Lions, and all that they do, to looking forward to participating in bucket drives and other fundraisers of the club.
Seven new members to the Glennville Lions Club were also inducted and presented with their pins and certificates: Kelly Folsom, Karen Folsom, Clayton Hall, McKayla Thompson, Patricia Lee, Kim Craft, and Kenneth Murphy, Sr.
Incoming 2022-2023 Glennville Lions Club President Lynda Goodell said that she looked forward to the next year of service in leading the Glennville club.
Entertainment in song was provided by Emma Grace Smith.