The Glennville Garden Club recently funded two beautification projects in the City of Glennville. In observance of Arbor Day, which was April 29, 2022, several members of the club planted a tree in the downtown Barnard Street streetscape.
"This tree will enhance the beauty of downtown and provide shade in years to come," Glennville Garden Club Vice President Margaret Barnhill said.
The club also provided $1500 in funding for a new stone border and plants around the Blue Star Memorial, which the club originally placed over 20 years ago, on March 8, 2002.
"The original shrubbery was very overgrown, and the wood border around it was in need of replacement. The stone border is an enhancement, and the plants really showcase the Blue Star Memorial so well," Barnhill said.
Arbor Day, much like Earth Day, is a day that celebrates nature and is traditionally observed on the last Friday in April. Its purpose is to encourage people to plant trees, and many communities customarily take the opportunity to organize tree-planting and litter-collection events on or around Arbor Day.
The Blue Star Memorial is "A tribute to the Armed Forces that have defended the United States of America." The Blue Star Memorial, located on Hwy. 23 next to Rotary Corporation and in front of the Veterans Post Home and an Army tank, was sponsored by the Glennville Garden Club and Oleander District in cooperation with The Garden Club of Georgia, Inc.
The Glennville Garden Club meets monthly at 12 noon, except during the months of June, July, and August, on the second Thursday of the month at the Glennville Garden Club Center located at 123 N. Caswell Street. All are invited to attend.