Brandy Donnan is the South Tattnall Elementary School (STES) Teacher of the Year and has also been selected as the System-Wide Tattnall Teacher of the Year.
She was first selected by her fellow teachers at STES, and an out-of-county committee of educators chose her as the System-Wide Teacher of the Year. She was recognized at the Monday, May 20, 2024,
Tattnall County Board of Education (BOE) meeting along with the other four schools' Teachers of the Year. When STES Principal Dr. Kristi Kaiser introduced Brandy, she commented that it is rare that a kindergarten teacher is awarded with the system-wide honor.
She lauded Brandy for her dedication, compassion, great personality, and a teacher who is simply amazing to watch in her classroom in how she relates to her students.
Other Teachers of the Year recognized are as follows: South Tattnall Middle School (STMS)-Kim Scott; North Tattnall Elementary School (NTES)-Amanda Driggers; North Tattnall Middle School (NTMS)-Tammy Edwards; and Tattnall County High School (TCHS)-Brooks Robins.
Kim Scott, who has served as a teacher for the past 18 years at STMS, was commended by Principal Lakisha Bobbitt. She complimented her as a hard-working teacher who is at ease in her environment, tactful, fair, and consistent.
Amanda Driggers at NTES was commended by Assistant Principal Melanie Kirby for her excellence in teaching and for her innovative teaching methods, and who believes in her students and pushes them.
NTMS Principal Donny Sikes complimented his school's Teacher of the Year, Tammy Edwards, who he said pours herself into her teaching in addition to serving as a mentor with wisdom and guidance for new teachers. He added that she coordinates the reading and learning gaps of students so as to track their progress and needs.
TCHS's Teacher of the Year, Brooks Robins, was introduced by Principal Justin Flowers, who was complimentary of him for the many responsibilities he has assumed, including coaching E-Sports and baseball and serving as a robotics mentor. Brooks' niche is pulling students up to their potential.
Another recognition at the meeting was Destini Anthony of NTMS as Classified School Employee of the Year, presented this recognition award by Gwenda Johnson, Human Resources Director. Destini serves as an in-school suspension coach and also a basketball coach, taking up for her players as needed. She also gives positive publicity for NTMS on TikTok, which has been shown to be a recruiting tool for prospective teachers.
Also approved was a resolution for a Strategic Waiver Contract, which refers to financial, human resources, and academic flexibility