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Site Director Nick Tatum announces TCHS as newest site for Coastal Plains High School
Nick Tatum, Co-Director at TCHS site for Coastal Plains High School.{
Nick Tatum, Co-Director at TCHS site for Coastal Plains High School.

Nick Tatum, Co-Director with Glenn Stewart for the new Tattnall County High School (TCHS) site for Coastal Plains High School, updated Glennville Rotarians last week on the purpose and service to students for this evening fully-accredited high school, which is now on the TCHS campus.

Tatum, who has had a career as a teacher, football coach, and administrator, briefed his rapt audience on this fully-accredited Georgia high school, in which students earn a high school diploma after completing the credits needed.

“Coastal Plains High School is not an alternative school nor is a GED issued; a high school diploma is earned through the classes that are attended in the evenings and online,” explained Tatum.

Coastal Plains High School is an option for students who are looking for a learning program that offers a flexible, self-paced format for students.  It offers year-long classes in the evenings to be more accommodating to students’ schedules.

TCHS is the newest site for these classes, which are offered in the 700 Hall during the school year from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. Monday-Thursday evenings. (Summer school was offered this past summer for TCHS students through Coastal Plains High School in June and July from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Monday-Thursday evenings.)

Tatum explained that students attend Coastal Plains High School rather than a conventional high school for a  number of personal reasons.  For example, the night classes are the only available option to earn a high school diploma while working during the day.  Coastal Plains provides a flexible option to these students who still desire a high school diploma while having additional obligations.

Certified teachers in all subject areas are available to assist students in a blended, instructional model. Coastal Plains provides additional student services, including counseling, graduation planning, career planning, English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), and special education support.

The partnership with the Tattnall County School System offers this high school program to local students in the area. The TCHS site is actually the 18th location for Coastal Plains, with others in Long, Liberty, Wayne, Evans, and Toombs counties as well as other counties, mainly in Southeast Georgia. Coastal Plains rents the classrooms from the Tattnall County School System.

Tatum pointed out that a dilemma for many students who have dropped out of high school is Georgia House Bill 87, which prevents a student from attending Coastal Plains High School and other similar schools until the student has turned 18.  

This is disappointing, since many students have left high school at a much earlier age, but are prevented from attending these evening classes to earn their high school diploma just because they have not reached the age of 18; yet, they are eager to complete their credits for a high school diploma.

The Coastal Plains High School can be attended at no charge to students since it is funded through the Georgia Department of Education, and there is no age limit...just the age barrier of 18 to begin attending.  Students under 18 can still attend as well.   However, a consultation appointment needs to occur so that the Coastal Plains staff can provide the options of enrollment.

Program students at Coastal Plains High School begin the 2024-25 school year this month.

For more information on Coastal Plains High School, visit their website at or contact Co-Director Nick Tatum at 912-237-4754.  He also serves as the Academic Coach at TCHS.