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BOE Supt. Waters gives school update
Tattnall School Superintendent Dr. Kristen Waters
Tattnall School Superintendent Dr. Kristen Waters

At the Monday, August 26, 2024, Tattnall County Board of Education (BOE) meeting, Tattnall School Superintendent Dr. Kristen Waters shared a back-to-school update with board members and visitors to the meeting.

Her video presentation included mention of a three-day retreat for all district leadership, which included principals and assistant principals. This event included a sharing of updates from each district department on changes for the year, planning time for the group for yearly events, budget training, and leadership training led by Mark Wilson.

A Staff Professional Learning Day was also hosted in which teachers participated in a day filled with professional learning, which included TKES (Texas Essential Knowledge & Skills) credentialing, literacy training (L4GA), and common planning across schools. Inspirational guest speaker Willie Spears challenged the educators and motivated them for a rewarding 2024-25 school year.

Waters also reviewed the school enrollment: North Tattnall Elementary School (NTES): 119 staff, 846 students; South Tattnall Elementary School (STES): 123 staff, 836 students; North Tattnall Middle School (NTMS): 55 staff; 434 students; South Tattnall Middle School (STMS): 46 staff, 384 students; and Tattnall County High School (TCHS): 94 staff, 1096 students.

In the area of transportation, 39 daily bus routes are currently in use, although the goal is 45. The transportation system is always in need of bus drivers. The BOE works in collaboration with the Tattnall County Commissioners and the Road Department for routing suggestions and resolving of road issues.

The Nutrition Department of the Tattnall school system employs 37 school cafeterias workers. The school system offers FREE breakfast and lunch at all five schools, and local food supplies are used as much as possible. The TCHS Cafeteria staff recently received their third consecutive 100 on Food Service Inspection.  The system also was 100 percent in Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) this year.

A staff appreciation night was held on Friday, August 16, and all staff were invited pregame for supper and fun. Also, the Teachers of the Year were honored pregame on the field.  

Middle School athletics are active this year, with the following sports: softball, 16 at NTMS and 19 at STMS; football, 26 at NTMS and 32 and STMS; cheer, 14 at NTMS and 17 at STMS; and tennis, 22 at NTMS and number pending at STMS.

High school athletics are vibrant as well. At TCHS, 20 are in softball; 61 in football; 18 in cheer; 55 in band; 16 boys/9 girls in cross country; and 24 in volleyball.

"Coastal Plains currently has 25 students who are taking classes in the evenings at TCHS, with six pending enrollment. Overall, 53 credits were recovered this summer during summer school through Coastal Plains, and transportation may possibly be starting soon for these students," said Waters.

"New this year are two additional resource officers for elementary/middle schools; an ag program at STMS once again; Wonderful Warriors, an opportunity for the community to nominate Tattnall County staff members who go above their day-to-day duties; parent picnics at STES; updated Me-dia Center at NTMS; and Battle Block Fridays at TCHS.

Also, during the meeting, CTAE Director Dina DeLoach presented the FY25 CTAE  (Career, Technical, Agriculture Education) budget, which was approved by the BOE members.

Employment approvals were made for Angley Wilkerson, Pre-K teacher  at STES; and paraprofessionals Brandi Camacho, MaKacie Griffin, and Holly Reynolds at STES;  and Toni Hill at STMS; and for the termination of paraprofessional Jessica Knights.

Other approvals were for FY25 Board member Training Plan and for purchase of refurbished field machine from Southeast Turf Equipment for NTMS.

A special treat at the meeting was a presentation from the STMS Junior Beta National winning marketing team, who also is presenting this week at the Glennville Rotary Club meeting.